First Twitter Hardcover Published

By Jason Boog 

Months before the HaperCollins It Books imprint releases a collection of “Twitter Wit,” a self-published author found an easy method for Twitter authors to create hardcover books out of their own Twitter-feeds–fairly certain that he created the first Twitter hardcover anthology.

E-book pioneer James Bridle has collected two years worth of Twitter posts in a hardcover book via the print-on-demand service, Lulu. “My life in Tweets” is a sleek hardback which permanently preserves a ephemeral set of posts.

Here’s more from the author: “I wanted to … see if you could make a traditional diary/journal in retrospect. And you can, and it’s quite nice. No, most of it doesn’t mean anything, certainly not to anyone else, but it makes physical a very real time and effort … When Twitter is inevitably replaced by something else, I don’t want to lose all those incidentals, the casual asides, the remarks and responses. That’s all really. This seems like a nice way to do it, and I’ll probably do it again in a couple of years time.”