Fake Maya Angelou Twitter Feed Exposed

By Jason Boog 

M.A. Song Photo.jpgThe same week as a Twitter book sold for “a five figure sum,” a fake Maya Angelou Twitter author built up nearly 2,500 followers before being exposed by the LA Times.

According to the paper, “a 20-year-old male artist named Lee” wrote all the micro-posts pretending to be the famous poet. While the site has been removed, he left strange posts like “I am very sad. My friends are few… but my words runneth over” and “It is as important to love ourselves as much as the world around us.”

The Twitter site has disappeared, but you can still listen to impersonation of the poet. Here’s what Angelou’s agent, David LaCamera, told the LA Times:

“The funny thing is that even someone of her stature,” he said, “although she speaks eight languages, she’s not necessarily very fluent in computerese. When she became aware of it, she basically shook her head.”

(Via BookNinja)