Expert Predicts February Release of Amazon Kindle 2

By Jason Boog 


Amazon has scheduled a press conference for February 9th at the Morgan Library in midtown Manhattan. While they won’t disclose the reason, one expert believes it could mark the release of the new Kindle digital reader.

Journalist Peter Kafka stirred the rumors: “the company hasn’t provided any other details. But I’ll note that the last time Amazon (AMZN) held a New York press conference, in November 2007, it was to unveil Kindle 1.0.”

Digital book devotees have speculated about the new machine for months, ever since Boy Genius Report leaked that photo of the new reader. According to experts, Kindle 2 will be charged with a USB cable, rather than the current generation’s special charger–speculating that the new Kindles would be available early this year. (Link via.)