Dilbert Creator Responds To One-Star Review on Amazon

By Jason Boog 


Dilbert creator Scott Adams responded to a negative review of his memoir on Amazon with a sarcastic post.

One Amazon reviewer wrote about Adams’ How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life with this comment: “it’s pretty sad his first non-Dilbert book is just a rip off of a much better book, Aaron Goldfarb‘s How to Fail: The Self-Hurt Guide.” Check out Adams’ response:

I didn’t know Aaron Goldfarb wrote my memoir before I did. I’m totally embarrassed. I plan to read that guy’s book so I can learn more about my life, especially the college years that are a bit foggy. And once I am finished, apparently I never have to see another book in this genre. And for the record, I totally believe you read my entire book within a few hours of its release, and not just the title.

How To Fail: The Self-Hurt Guide author Aaron Goldfarbactually responded with a satirical Amazon review of his own: “Yes, I did in fact write Scott Adams’ memoir.”

Goldfarb mocked the idea that Adams could have copied his book while writing a memoir, and added a metaphysical twist: “maybe HE wrote MY book and I actually plagiarized him.”

(Via James Altucher)