Danielle Steel Hip to Today’s Youth Market

By Neal 

sisters-cover.jpgRemember all that hoopla earlier this week about whether or not first serials still matter? Well, Danielle Steel certainly seems to believe they can still count for something, at least on the internet. She’s given Seventeen the first chapter of Sisters to publish on its website as an electronic sidebar to a one-pager Steel’s written for the magazine’s July issue about how “sisters are forever.”. Weird, huh? I mean, one thinks of Danielle Steel as the stuff for our moms and grandmothers, right? But this novel, which came out a few months ago, definitely seems skewed towards the youth: the chapter published online is about a 21-year-old supermodel in Paris, and later in the book, she reunites with her siblings—a TV producer, a lawyer and a painter—so they can all live under one roof after, as best as I can tell from what people say about it online, their mom takes the Jayne Mansfield route off this mortal plane.