Dan Santat Designs New Cover Art For Adam Gidwitz’s Grimm Books

By Maryann Yin 

Dan Santat (GalleyCat)Dan Santat has created new cover art for the Grimm trilogy by Adam Gidwitz. We’ve embedded the full image for all three jacket designs below—what do you think?

Dutton Books For Young Readers released the first installment, A Tale Dark and Grimm, back in October 2010. Book two, In a Glass Grimmly, followed-up in September 2012 and book three, The Grimm Conclusion, came out in October 2013. The publisher will make all three books with Santat’s covers available for sale in September 2016.

Gidwitz held a quick Q&A with Santat for a blog post. When Gidwitz asked Santat how he could repay him for creating these cover designs, Santat replied: “In the spirit of your books you must guess my middle name in three days or else I get to keep your first child. Oh wait, I already have two of my own and don’t want any more. Never mind. Hopefully, you and I can do something else together in the future.”

A Tale Dark and Grimm

A Tale Dark and Grimm Designed by Santat (GalleyCat)

In a Glass Grimmly

In a Glass Grimmly Designed by Santat (GalleyCat)

The Grimm Conclusion

The Grimm Conclusion Designed by Santat (GalleyCat)