Cash Money Records Founders Launch Imprint

By Maryann Yin 

The founders of Cash Money Records, brothers Ronald and Bryan Brown, have created a new Cash Money Content book imprint.

According to the Wall Street Journal, editorial and business operations will be based in New York City while acquisitions will take place in Miami. Through a new partnership, Simon & Schuster’s Atria imprint will handle marketing and distribution.

Cash Money Content will launch next spring with three titles: Raw Law: An Urban Guide to Criminal Justice by Muhammad Ibn Bashir (legal advice), Justify My Thug by Wahida Clark (novel), and Pimp: The Story of My Life by Iceberg Slim (memoir).

The article quoted the brother’s manager, Vernon Brown: “You’re going to see TV commercials, billboards, and plenty of YouTube videos featuring artists and writers talking about books. Our books will also be sold at our concerts.”