Can You Predict the National Book Awards?

By Neal 

Tomorrow night, the National Book Foundation will present its annual awards for literary excellence, and GalleyCat will be there to cover all the festivities, from the opening reception to the announcement of the final winner. Jason will be taking his video camera to conduct on-the-spot interviews, while Ron will cover the event in real time on his Twitter feed. In the meantime, though, given the regularity with which our readers are able to figure out what books Oprah thinks are excellent, we thought we’d give you a crack at the National Book Awards shortlists.


Who’ll win the National Book Award for fiction?
( surveys)


Who’ll win the National Book Award for nonfiction?
( surveys)

Two categories down, two to go!


Who’ll win the National Book Award for poetry?
( polls)


Who’ll win the National Book Award for young people’s literature?
( polls)

These polls will remain open until 6:00 p.m. Eastern Wednesday night, when the NBA evening officially begins. We’ll see how well our crowdsourced prognostication did Thursday morning! Oh, and don’t forget—you can use the comments section to sound off on your selections, or attack conventional wisdom on who the winners will be, or gripe about how your favorite author wasn’t even considered this year. Among other possibilities…