Bret Easton Ellis’ Twitter Review Career

By Jason Boog 

FM-9-COVER-LR.jpgEver since building his own Twitter page for a New Yorker article, novelist Bret Easton Ellis has made blogging headlines as he used his new platform to review films and records in 140-character bursts.

Most recently, Gawker wrote a long response to the author of “American Psycho” and his review of a recent movie: “The most alienating movie experience of 09: sitting stone-faced in a packed Westwood theater that’s roaring with laughter at The Hangover…”

In contrast, the Village Voice loved his review of Jay McInerney’s stories and a sports picture: “This weekend reminded: Slap Shot is the funniest sports movie ever made. Bo Burnham-unbearable. The Jayster can really write short stories.”