Borders Employees Vent Frustration

By Jason Boog 

As Borders closed forever this weekend, one patron snapped a photograph of a bitter bookseller’s manifesto at an unidentified store: “Things We Never Told You: Ode to a Bookstore Death.”

The massive list (embedded above) collected years worth of pent-up sarcasm and frustration, spawning thousands of angry (and bemused) reactions from bookstore patrons.

Below, we’ve collected five controversial statements from the list. What do you think about the list? (Via Matt Staggs)

1. “We hate when a book becomes popular simply because it was turned into a movie.”

2. “Nicholas Sparks is not a good writer…if you like him, fine, but facts are facts.”

3. “We greatly dislike the phrase ‘quick question.’ It’s never true. And everyone seems to have one.”

4. “It never bothered us when you threatened to shop at Barnes & Noble. We’d rather you do if you’re putting up a stink.”

5. “We were never a daycare. Letting your children run free and destroy our kids section destroyed a piece of our souls.”