Bookish Bunny in Our Pet Parade

By Jason Boog 

Quirk Books marketing and social media coordinator Eric Smith wrote us about our annual Pet Parade: “Seeing puppies and cats, but where are the other furry critters? Here is a photo of my bunny, Rory (named after Rorschach in Alan Moore’s Watchmen) posing disapprovingly with my stuffed Kraken. She’s great at flashing me disapproving looks when my pitch letters get too long.”

GalleyCat readers around the globe have joined our annual Pet Parade, sending photos of their literary pets.

More photos follow below–we will collect all the entries at this link.

Liberty Hardy shared that adorable cat: “This is Steinbeck, posing atop a copy of ’11/22/63′ – but only because ‘Cannery Row’ was too skinny.. He is a wild monster most of the day, but when I sit down to read, he likes to cuddle. Not pictured is his mother, Millay, named after Maine’s favorite redheaded bisexual.”

Agent Renee Zuckerbrot shared that photo: “My dachshund Mollybean is a huge E.B. White fan. She loves all of his “Fred the dachshund” essays. Her favorite is “Bedfellows” (from Essays of E.B. White),” which I read to her a couple of times a year.”

Journalist Vicky Moon shared that picture: “It seems most fitting as a journalist and photographer who has covered the horsey set for twentysomething years, that I would share a photo of my horse, Doubtful Diva.”

Author Nancy Wallace shared that photo of her cat Dexter reading her book.

Author Kimberly Davis wrote: “I hope it’s not too late to join your “Pet Parade.” Here’s a photo of “Willow the Wonder-Collie,” star of my new memoir, Teaching the Dog to Think.” Willow considered it his mission in life to provide me with “writing breaks.” He’s gone now, but I miss him terribly, especially when I’ve been sitting too long at the computer.”

Author Christa Allan sent us another real life galley cat photo: Here is the photo of Newton, our “middle child” cat, checking the book count. His siblings, Amelia and Harrison, were probably busy chewing the box flaps.

Kathleen Willoughby from Bookazine submitted that photo: “Here is a photo of my dog Margot, a certified therapy dog. We visit local libraries where children read to her. Here she is prepping for a visit.”

Reader Carl Belken shared that picture: “This is Dolly my female longhaired dachshund … If Dolly did read books the titles would be something like; 100 ways to please your humans, Unusual Stunts that will make Humans Laugh, How to Read Your Human’s moods, and etc. She could write a book herself on that last title.”