B&N Satisfied With Online Orders, Won’t Put OJ in Stores

By Neal 

Nearly a week after Barnes & Noble declined to order If I Did It for its bookstore outlets, pre-orders are “surging” at the B&N website, so AP reporter Hillel Italie checked in with the chain’s spokeswoman, Mary Ellen Keating, and she says they still ain’t gonna carry it.

On a related note, someone forwarded a bit of sarcastic skepticism towards B&N from Slate columnist Timothy Noah, who notes that If I Did It is the store’s most heavily ordered not-yet-published book. What caught this sharp-eyed GalleyCat fan’s eye, though, was that the image Slate is using as the book’s cover is a reduction of our crop, which left off the filler copy Beaufort is currently displaying on the top third of the jacket until it’s ready to unveil the special guest stars whose commentary will be added to that of the Goldmans. The subtle proof that our media peers know we exist has started our week off with a smile.