Attorney Raises $5,000 for Zombie Law Casebook on Kickstarter

By Maryann Yin 

Attorney Joshua Warren launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for his legal casebook titled Zombie Law: Zombies in the Federal Courts.

As of this writing, his project has received more than $5,000 from supporters. We’ve embedded a video about the project above–what do you think?

Here’s more about the project: “The ‘zombie’ in federal courts are very interesting.  Aside from the intellectual property cases that provide some reflection on modern zombie fiction, there are also ample metaphoric uses of the word in these judicial writings.  Judges have referred to ‘zombie precedents’ and ‘zombie litigation’ … Unlike other works of zombie academia, the zombies in this book are all real.”

Welcome to our Kickstarter Publishing Project of the Week, a feature exploring how authors and publishers are using the fundraising site to raise money for book projects. If you want to start your own project, check out How To Use Kickstarter to Fund Your Publishing Project.