Ad Creative Director to Publish Book via Instagram Posts

By Dianna Dilworth 

jasonsperlingInstagram has become a great way for authors to communicate about their work with readers. Just today E.L. James broke the news of her and new book in the 50 Shades of Grey series via Instagram.

Jason Sperling, executive creative director at RPA, is releasing a new book this month with tips on how to use the social network to better communicate with your audience. To that end, the book, “Look At Me When I’m Talking To You,” is being published one page a day on the social network for 160 days in a row at @lookatmebook. Check out the first post:

“Look at Me When I’m Talking to You” examines the obstacles that collectively threaten our industry’s future and offers up new rules for getting attention in an attention scarce world, inspiring care amidst consumer apathy, and fostering loyalty from an increasingly discerning and departing audience. It offers proven strategies for connecting with today’s fickle, fleeing, over-stimulated audience. It has 20% more humor than most marketing books, and 100% more pictures.

Sperling explains his strategy in an interview with Adweek:

The inspiration for the book’s idea comes from being immersed in this “mess of opportunity” every day, as well as from watching the way the industry change so drastically since I first got into advertising. It comes from the day-to-day trials and frustrations of trying to create content and social objects that people will willingly engage with. And it comes from the constant strategizing of how to stand out, stand apart and increase our chances of success.