Facebook Removed Hundreds of Accounts and Ads Originating from ‘Bad Actors’ in Iran

By Christine Zosche 

Facebook said it’s found and removed hundreds more pages, organic content and ads meant to spread misinformation in the U.S. and abroad. However, while many of the “bad actors” in the past have been suspected to have come from Russia, the latest batch seems to have originated from another nation: Iran. (Adweek)

The Democratic National Committee contacted the FBI on Tuesday after it detected what it believes was the beginning of a sophisticated attempt to hack into its voter database, a Democratic source said. (CNN)

The unknown attackers set up a fake version of a login page made to look like it belonged to the Democratic data firm NGP VAN. It was intended to trick people with access to the committee’s voter file into handing over their passwords, according to the DNC and the security firm Lookout. (Politico)

