They Speak English in Alabama And Nothing Else

By Matt Van Hoven 

This is America where we speak English. Well, this is the internet (technically) where we only use memes, but that’s not important. In Alabama they also speak English, and if two-first-names Tim James is elected governor he’ll make it so those pesky driver’s license exams are only given in one language. You can guess which.

Apparently they’re given in 12 languages now, which is costly &#151 according to James. This is a matter of the people, one they will (presumably) relate to, at least the ones who are going to get their licenses renewed and actually realize the exam is available in multiple languages. Or the ones who see that some (other language speaking) person is able to fill out the test and become enraged with rage.


Alabama, your candidate is guilty of stupid advertising.

Via Gawker

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