Romania’s FIBRA Awards Casts Droga vs. Bogusky in a ‘Best Creative Director’ Battle

By Patrick Coffee 

Are you familiar with the FIBRA awards? We’d never heard of them either until about an hour ago.

FIBRA is a new industry-wide competition created by Romania’s top trade publication IQ Ads and set to go down this May.

The event has yet to name its jury president, which makes for a perfect promotional opportunity. Seems FIBRA’s team has narrowed the field to two contenders: David Droga and Alex Bogusky.


From the stunt homepage,

“We believe life is too short to settle for anything less than the extraordinary.
We believe the best creative director of the ‘00s should be our Jury President.
But which one is it? Admit it, you’ve always wanted to sort this one out.”

Today, IQ Ads has been calling out top creative directors and trade journalists on Twitter to build momentum and possibly collect votes(?) for the competition, and they’re also releasing a series of videos to promote it. Here’s the first one, which went live on Wednesday and depicts Not-Droga and Not-Bogusky as competing grill masters.

It’s kind of weird.

The only conclusion we can draw from that clip is that IQ Ads thinks Droga’s Newcastle work is somehow better than Subservient Chicken.

Round 2 launched today, and it casts “Aussies” against “Yanks” in a street football match.

What just happened there? Did Team Droga take the ball and go home?

At any rate, the competition is tied. But there’s another option: vote for your favorite on Facebook!

As of this moment, Droga is slightly ahead in terms of likes. He has 311…

droga for president

…while Bogusky has only 274.

bogusky for president

The homepage tells us that IQ will run another clip “every working day” in which “real Romanians” compete to determine the winner in contests of brute force and athletic skill. If this campaign lasts until May, that would be a whole lot of YouTube videos.

We have little doubt that either candidate would make a fine jury president. But do these guys not realize that Alex Bogusky doesn’t make ads anymore?
