Just What is Crispin’s Involvement with Gap Nowadays?

By Kiran Aditham 

It’s been about 5 1/2 years since CP+B was named AOR for Gap Men’s and about 8 months since the clothing brand hired the agency to run its loved/hated holiday campaign last year.

But recently, we got hold of a memo sent within the agency that tells us that its relationship with Gap is in some sort of stasis, that the brand is without AOR but CP+B is working with them on an “as-needed” basis and will work with their Foundation arm. Read on after the jump…


“Hi everybody. A lot of you have been asking…’what’s up with Gap’, so thought it would be good to let everyone know what’s up. While our contract for project work with the Gap brand ended last month, we’ve agreed to continue to support the brand on a project-by-project basis. Gap won’t be carrying an AOR but will be working with us on an as needed basis, and an in-house team for the rest of the year. As you might have known or figured out yourself, the campaign that’s currently running for Gap Denim is not our work, but that of the in-house team and a creative director they’ve used in the past.

I’m not sure what the next project we’ll be helping with for the Gap brand, but our work on other Gap Inc. brands continues daily. Our Old Navy campaigns continue to drive positive results for the corporation, and we’re currently developing strategy and creative for the Gap Foundation–which is the Gap Inc.’s social responsibility and sustainability arm. It’s one of the world’s most recognized corporate responsibility organizations and we couldn’t be more excited to be asked to help them chart a new course for the future. The Foundation umbrellas all five of Gap Inc.’s brands, so we’ll be working across the organization to effect change in how they manage supply chain, community investment, environmental and employee programs and how they communicate their beliefs and actions through the five brands. Should be pretty cool.”
