In Case You Forgot, Today is Steve Jobs Day

By Kiran Aditham 

Remember that project we told you about, say two weeks ago, that was the brainchild of one Todd Slutzky, a creative director at Atlanta-based Studiocom? Well, friends, the day has come and Slutzky and crew are marking today, Oct. 14, as Steve Jobs day. When the site initially launched, it was to honor Jobs, who just resigned, but of course now, it’s taken a different tone as it celebrates his life and work via a host of uploaded pics featuring people striking that familiar Jobs pose.

Anyways, Slutzky’s initial intention was to have people dress up today in the Apple co-founder’s peculiar, yet iconic attire and what auspicious timing it is that Steve Jobs Day arrives just as the iPhone 4S hits shelves. Yes, we’re thinking that was the intention all along. If posing like Jobs wasn’t enough for you, there’s also that Tumblr site which complements this tribute.

