Illustrators Unimpressed by Offer of Unpaid Work

By Patrick Coffee 

Do you like to work? Do you like to work FOR FREE?

Illustrator Daniel Savage (no, not THAT one) apparently thinks that his work for Comedy Central, Wondersauce and his own creative studio Something Savage entitles him to earn payment for his labor.

Ridiculous, we know.


Seems that someone in a New York creative department was really hoping that he would agree to do some project work for free, though. Yesterday he shared this email with his followers:

The best part of this story is the fact that several of Savage’s associates were among the group who received this request.

Here’s “designy illustrator” Mikey Burton:

…and Brandon Bayer of Wondersauce:

Then there’s freelance illustrator Anke Weckmann:  

But wait…this wasn’t a new ask!

It would seem that the agency is having a bit of trouble finding illustrators who will work for the honor of having their names in the credits of this project.

As Savage himself put it, they will probably get more publicity by sharing the message than they would have for the hours of work the project obviously requires. We are happy to facilitate that process.

Some questions, though: what kind of fitness club demands “pro-bono” work? And how would the project be organized? Is it like a PSA designed to shame people into going to the gym to remove those fatty layers?

Someone may need to reconsider this strategy.
