Dell Agrees to Pay $9.1 Million in Discrimination Case

By Matt Van Hoven 

Dell, a company we cover regularly here on AgencySpy, settled a lawsuit alleging discrimination in pay against female employees. For their faults, for which the computer manufacturer claimed no wrongdoing, Dell has agreed to pay $9.1 million. Here’s the breakdown, per the Austin Statesman:

&#151 $5.6 million back pay for current/former female employees “who were in certain job grades between early 2007 and the end of 2008.”


&#151 another $1.1 million for the plaintiffs’ legal costs.

&#151 a $3.5 million chunk is set aside for “a pay-equity fund for current female employees in certain job grades covered by the lawsuit. Those grades include management and non-management positions.”

The case was settled relatively quickly, considering it was brought forth just last October. But since one of the plaintiffs is a former female HR administrator, she probably had the goods to make the case quick and easy.

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