Critical Mass Questions LEAF Owners for Nissan

By Erik Oster 

Critical Mass has launched a new digital campaign for Nissan, called “Real Owners. Real Questions.” which celebrates the milestone of 100,000 LEAF electric vehicle sales, making it the best-selling electric vehicle ever.

For the campaign, Critical Mass calls on the LEAF community to share their experiences and stories with “custom and crowd-sourced videos, images and text responses” to answer common questions about Nissan’s electric vehicle. Critical Mass’ newly launched website for the brand displays questions like “Why did you choose to drive an electric car?” and “How far can you go on a single charge?” with a variety of answers from actual Nissan LEAF owners available at the click of a mouse (up to 31 answers per question at the moment). If visitors don’t find the question they’re looking for, they can ask Nissan in a livechat or a LEAF owner on Facebook. The revamped website features over 500 quotes, 200 images and video footage. In addition to crowdsourcing video footage, the site also showcases stories of LEAF drivers, like “Neal Wagner, who is shown using a journey to catch a sunrise on Maui’s Haleakala Volcano to charge his LEAF.” The site should clear up a lot of questions that might make people reluctant to make the leap to electric, all while celebrating the LEAF’s 100,000 owner milestone. Critical Mass, Nissan’s digital AOR, has handled digital work for LEAF starting with their award-winning campaign launching the brand back in 2010.

