Copywriter Gets Lost at ‘Agencia Loco’

By Bob Marshall 

The world of “Agencia Loco” is one of failed pitch meetings and beatings. Good thing we have subtitles, or else we wouldn’t have known why the client denied the pitch. Truly, vaginas and breath mints don’t go together. It burns.

The above Spanish soap parody comes courtesy of Melbourne-based copywriter John Pace and a tip from our pals at the Denver Egotist. We hope Pace gets hired because of this. Most copywriters know story, but very few know the importance of drama like this Aussie with a taste for hair-pulling women and the men who love them.


We just hope an agency doesn’t discriminate against Pace for his fixie wheelchair and platinum grill. Reverence is due to the man who came up with the “yodeling wolf penis.”
