And Now, 2012 Summed Up Succinctly

By The Advert 

Yo ho ho and a bottle of eggnog, here we are at long last – the final Friday before the agency world shutters for a few short moments in remembrance of Christ’s birth, or more accurately, the Pagan holiday for sun worship (I think). Whatever you celebrate, make sure it includes a nice tall glass of your favorite booze or alcohol free beverage. Raise your glass to friends and family near, far, and gone. Take a moment to reflect, if your memory allows it, on those few fleeting moments from the last year that meant something. That furtive kiss from a now-lost lover; the hope of a better tomorrow, tomorrow; and the knowledge that whatever happens in this world, one day it will all be forgotten – so make every moment last. Because as they say, a man dies twice – once when his heart ceases to beat, and again when the last remaining man on earth who knew him breathes his last breath.

The Apoc is thwarted, but that changes nothing. Live, friends, in the knowledge that we’re all on a path to some final end, somewhere. In an elevator shaft, a movie theater, a war zone, a school room, or in a death bed in your sleep. It’s coming, so let this be a reminder to you – to take risks and enjoy whatever comes of them. You’re worth more than all this, and we here at AgencySpy love you. In the now-famous words of Mark D. Sanders and Tia Sillers, famously sung by country starlet Lee Ann Womack, “I hope you dance”. Dance in the snow, or in memory of it. Dance with your mothers and your fathers and sisters and brothers and cousins and aunts and uncles and old friends. Dance because your feet demand it, your eyes delight in it, and your heart deserves it. Dance, friends, and be happy if you can. We’re all counting on it – the world needs it. Happy days, friends. We’ll see you soon.


