Alma Names New Chief Creative Officer, Announces Executive Promotions

By Patrick Coffee 

Alma, the Miami-based Hispanic wing of the DDB family, followed a string of recent successes by announcing several executive promotions last Friday.

Most prominently, the Omnicom shop–which recently earned some attention for its Glee-style McDonald’s musical campaign–promoted ECD Alvar Sunol to the role of co-president and chief creative officer.

Sunol officially left his position as ECD and executive committee member at Ogilvy Madrid in early 2014. Previous roles include a stint as ECD/executive chairman at JWT Mexico and creative leadership roles at the Spanish offices of McCann and DDB. (Earlier this year, AdAge reviewed his three tattoos in what we will choose to call a PSA campaign.)


Founder and president Luis Miguel Messianu previously held the agency’s top creative title, and he will now be creative chairman and chief executive officer. Former SVP/MD Isaac Mizrahi (this one, not that one) will share presidential duties with Sunol moving forward while also occupying the COO position.

The news also includes new titles for Angela Battistini, (former VP of accounts, current SVP of business services) and Michelle Headley (former VP of operations, current SVP of operations).

Here are the staffers celebrating their promotions in appropriate attire:

alma board

Regarding the news, Messianu writes:

“In the last 5 years alone we’ve doubled in size, and although the fact that there are 150 of us here today is certainly a matter of pride, it’s also a reason to renew our commitment and gear up to conquer even more ground.”

The release also notes that Alma recently won the Hispanic business for Sprint, Bud Light and the American Cancer Society as well as a Lion and other mentions from a festival in France whose name we can’t remember.
