WGN Reporter ‘Back on Track’ After Medical Condition Kept Her Off Air

By Kevin Eck 

WGN reporter Nancy Loo is back at work after what she called “a pretty severe case of hypothyroidism.”

Robert Feder reported Loo had been out since April 21.

She posted the story on Facebook, saying the hypothyroidism “zapped my metabolism, caused swelling from head to toe, made my voice raspy and my thinking a bit foggy.”


She said the condition had been plaguing her for months until she went to the ER on April 9.

“An ER doctor diagnosed a pretty severe case of hypothyroidism,” wrote Loo. “My metabolism had essentially shut down, and for weeks I made it worse by doubling down on workouts and dieting.

She told viewers she’s back on track and added “Thankfully, my doctors say I can maintain my usual, fairly healthy diet. And I don’t have to give up eating gummy bears!”
