Twitter Goes Wild Over Animal That Walks Through a Reporter’s Live Shot

By Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel 

KUTV reporter Morgan Saxton found herself in the middle of a viral discussion about what animal walked into her live shot this morning.

“Terrifying. A dog, maybe a mountain lion, made it’s TV debut during my morning live shot!!! What animal do you think this it is?” the Salt Lake City reporter said after her hit, as she posted the video on Twitter.

Soon, the internet went wild with speculation: Was it a dog? A coyote? A mountain animal? Then the Utah Department of Wildlife weighed in, saying it definitely wasn’t a mountain dog after looking at paw prints.

Still, the mystery remained until the dog’s owner sent a photo to the station.

“MYSTERY SOLVED: The owner of this camera-friendly fella just sent us a picture of their pup who made it’s way into my live shot this morning. Come back anytime!”
