Tom Cruise References Rule This Orlando Anchor’s Morning Show Report

By Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel 

WFTV anchor Jamie Holmes showed just how big a Tom Cruise fan he is on his show Thursday.

The Orlando, Fla., journalist was doing an anchor read about Cruise’s October 2021 trip to space on a SpaceX rocket to film his next movie when he showed off with references to the actor’s career throughout his script.

“Space X is an American-made company with a few good men like Elon Musk,” he said off the top, referencing the 1992 trial drama, A Few Good Men, in which Cruise starred.


It didn’t stop there: Holmes then referred to two 1983 classic Cruise films in his next line: “Space is a risky business, but Space X has made all the right moves,” he said.

Holmes threw in other references to even more Cruise-led movies, too, including Mission Impossible, Top Gun, Cocktail, Eyes Wide Shut and Rain Man. The punny bit, which left fellow morning traffic and news anchor Deneige Broom in tears from laughing, showed us just how smart writing can make an otherwise boring script pop.

“When you anchor a morning show, sometimes it feels like you’re losin’ it,” Holmes wrote in a Twitter post, making even more Cruise movie references. “But I stand firm on what I said.”

Holmes’ Cruise homage got more than 30,000 views on Twitter.
