Reporter Julie Bragg Helps Student Teased About Her Glasses

By Aneya Fernando 

It’s always nice to see a heartwarming local news story every once in a while.
Today, we share the tale of Marley, a student near Harrisonburg, Va.

Marley wears eyeglasses and recently, someone at school made fun of her for wearing them. Marley’s mom posted about it on Facebook, which caught the attention of Julie Bragg, an anchor at Richmond CBS affiliate WTVR.

Cut to Bragg posting the following on FB:


“I need your help… This is gorgeous Marley. Someone at school told her that her new glasses are too big, and now she doesn’t like them. I like them, picked out pretty much the same pair. Can we get her some “likes” and comments to let her know she’s right in style? I think she looks incredible.”

So far, more than 20,000 people have “Liked” the post and little Marley has generated more than 3,000 positive comments (including a comparison to Taylor Swift!) An article on the station’s site encourages viewers to spread the word.
