Orlando’s WFTV Locks Up Star Reporter as Casey Anthony Trial Nears

By Andrew Gauthier 

Kathi Belich, a veteran reporter who has been covering the ongoing saga of murder suspect Casey Anthony, has signed a new long-term contract with Orlando’s WFTV.

Belich has been with WFTV since 1992 and has made a name for herself in central Florida with her aggressive coverage of the Anthony case over the last couple of years.  As the much-publicized case drags on, WFTV wanted to makes sure that it locked up its star reporter.

“I don’t want her thinking about her contract when she’s covering the Casey Anthony trial,” Bob Jordan, WFTV’s news director, told the Orlando Sentinel.


The murder trial is set to begin in May.

“I am very happy. I love my job,” Belich said about the new contract.
