New York Reporter Says Viewers Have Better Odds Being Murdered Than Winning Lottery

By Kevin Eck 

A reporter for New York CW affiliate WPIX took an unusual and some might say darker route to showing the impossible odds of winning Tuesday’s Mega Millions jackpot.

Arthur Chi’en enlisted the aid of an NYU mathematics professor to compute the odds in a conversational, easily relatable way.

The duo first told viewers they could guarantee a win by buying up $176 million in lottery tickets. But really, who has that sort of cash laying around?


The pair then went with the old saw, saying you’d be 50 percent more likely to be hit by lightning.

Chi’en went with the “drop the microphone and walk off the stage” moment when he told viewers they’d be 8,000 times more likely to be murdered. Happy Holidays everyone!

[Tuned In]
