More Americans Describe CNN as Liberal than Do MSNBC

By Andrew Gauthier 


It may not come as a surprise that, according to a new Pew report, many Americans believe the Fox News Channel to be right-leaning. It may be a surprise, though, to see that more Americans perceive CNN to be liberal than do Keith Olbermann‘s MSNBC.

The report, based on a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, shows that 47% of those polled said that they felt Fox News was “mostly conservative.” It also shows that 37% feel that CNN, which has worked to position itself as centrist in the increasingly political cable news game, is “mostly liberal.” That edges out MSNBC–albeit barely–which 36% believed to be “mostly liberal.”


It is worth noting that, although more people perceive CNN to be “mostly liberal” than MSNBC, more people find CNN to be more objective than do MSNBC. A third of those polled said that CNN was “neither” “mostly liberal” nor “mostly conservative.” Only a quarter (27%) of respondents described MSNBC as “neither.”

CBS News was perceived to be the most objective of major TV news outlets as it garnered the highest percentage of people (37%) who believed it to be “neither” liberal or conservative. More…
