Getting the Best Sound and Video Into Teases

By Graeme Newell 

All newsrooms shoot great sound out in the field, but many times, this incredibly valuable resource never makes it into the teases. These compelling components grab attention and keep viewers through the break.

Often times, the problem is “video hoarding.” Photographers and reporters hold back their best sound and video. They don’t want to “give it away” in the tease. Great video belongs in BOTH the tease and the story.

The analogy I always make is a movie trailer. Imagine if the director said, “Don’t use any of the big explosions or hot love scenes in the movie trailer, it might give away the plot of the movie.” If the trailer is the least bit uninteresting, no one will give the movie a chance. The same thing holds true with your story teases. Viewers think to themselves, “If those are the best scenes from the story, it must be a pretty dull package.”


Reporters and photographers should check in immediately after entering the building. Check in with the producer and alert him/her to the teasable elements that were shot. Most newsrooms shoot great stuff, but the communication system breaks down after the video gets in the building. Teach reporters and photographers that great teases are just as much a part of their job as great stories.

Graeme Newell is a broadcast and web marketing specialist who serves as the president and founder of 602 communications. You can reach Graeme at
