Boston’s Wahle Back at Anchor Desk for Tom Cruise Flick

By Andrew Gauthier 

The Boston Globe

After 30 years on television, Scott Wahle knows what to do when the camera rolls. That’s probably why Boston Casting called the former WBZ-TV anchor when they needed someone to play a TV newsman in the Tom Cruise/ Cameron Diaz movie.

“It all happened in about 48 hours,” said Wahle, who was cashiered by the CBS-owned affiliate in May 2008. “I got the call, I auditioned, and then they called me and said I had the part.”


Wahle plays an MSNBC newsman reporting on the spectacular crash of a jetliner. Wahle, who’s done some stage work with the Reagle Players but never been in a movie, was told he’d have one line, but when he got to the set discovered he had a whole paragraph. “And then they said, ‘We’re shooting in five minutes,'” he said, laughing. “I had to learn it as fast I could. It was like I was a reporter again — I’ve got a live shot in five minutes.” More…
