Boston Fox Afilliate Dumps Sports Anchor

By Andrew Gauthier 

Boston Herald

In another sign that local TV news is throwing in the towel in the media sports battle, FOX 25 Boston has cut loose beloved veteran sports anchor Butch Stearns after a decade with the station, the Herald has learned.

FOX 25 confirmed yesterday that they have not renewed Stearns’ contract but wouldn’t comment on their reason for letting him go. Stearns – the station’s top sports anchor – isnt being replaced.


“I’ve known about this for a while now, and next week will be my last week at FOX 25,” Stearns said last night. “I’ll have a lot more to say about my future then.”

The station also threw cold water on speculation it plans to wipe out its sports department, saying it will use its last remaining sports ace, Ryan Asselta–and news staff–to cover the beat.

“We have a robust news and sports department and we’ll utilize current staff to cover Boston sports,” said FOX 25 spokeswoman Maggie Hennessey-Nees. More…
