BBC Interview Goes from Cute Overload to Slapstick Comedy in a Few Seconds

By Kevin Eck 

The BBC World News, not known for its lighter moments, gave the world exactly that while interviewing a professor about a serious subject.

While Professor Robert Kelly was answering a question about the impeachment of South Korea president Park Geun-hye, Kelly’s two kids wander into the room.

The cuteness, though, was interrupted by a slapstick comedy when a woman frantically bursts in and pulls/drags/rushes the kids out. She then takes it to the next level when she attempts to close the door to the room where Kelly was doing the interview.


“There was an unexpected distraction for Professor Robert Kelly when he was being interviewed live on BBC News about South Korea,” wrote the BBC wrote on its website. “But he managed to keep his composure and complete the interview successfully.”
