Williams Thanks Reiss

By Brian 

Brian Williams blogs about his EP’s departure:

John Reiss is leaving us as executive producer of this broadcast. On his watch, we have been awarded the ‘Big Five’ journalism awards and have enjoyed astounding success as a broadcast. He’s the first man in the door in the morning and often the last to leave at night.

It’s hard to describe just how demanding the job is (I know how demanding the anchorman is), and equally hard to describe just how dedicated John has been to it and to all of us. As schmaltzy as it sounds, he’s also been dedicated to all of you: by putting his heart and soul into the best television he could muster from all of us for the past two years.

The last occupant of that job, Steve Capus, went on to run NBC News — so the bar is high for the man who has been my partner in crime around here for as long as I’ve been a nightly occupant of that chair. He leaves the job with the thanks of all of us.”
