Will Fox News Get $1 Per Subscriber?

By Brian 

“Fox News wants more $$ from cable operators” is the headline this Atlanta Journal-Constitution story. Highlight:

“Some believe Fox is playing an aggressive bit of gamesmanship with its $1 request and will settle for a smaller increase. ‘Going from 25 cents to a dollar is completely unrealistic,’ said Derek Baine, an analyst with Kagan Research.

Yet honchos at Fox’s parent, News Corp., have postured about putting up a fight if they don’t get what they want.”

Here’s how Tim Carry, senior vice president of affiliate relations for Fox News, explains the rate increase: “When you look at what level of audience we deliver on a daily basis, we’re in the top echelon of cable networks.” He says FNC has helped cable operators by attracting a big, new audience: “Overall, I think cable operators are grateful for what we’ve done.” More… (via ICN)
