U.S. Olympic Uniforms, This Time Made in America

By Chris Ariens 

SochiUniforms“Today” show anchors, along with a couple members of the U.S. Olympic curling team, showed off the Opening Ceremony uniforms Amercican Olympians will wear in Sochi two weeks from tomorrow.

And this time, they were made in America.

You may recall shortly after the “Today” show revealed the 2012 Olympic uniforms, ABC News reported the duds were made in China. The uproar was fast and loud. “I think they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them and start all over again,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told ABC News at the time.


“We heard it and we wanted to make right,” said a Ralph Lauren executive this morning on “Today.” “We’re just so proud, working with vendors from across America, across every state, people who have such passion to contribute to this team.”

Ralph Lauren designers were inspired by classic Americana patchwork quilts for the handmade, stars and stripes patterned sweaters. You’ll be able to buy them as well, with proceeds going back to the U.S. Olympic team.
