Tyndall Says CBS Has Less Hard News Now

By Brian 

I should have made note of The Tyndall Report when it came out last night. Here is Andrew Tyndall‘s summary of Couric’s premiere week:

“She showcased a shiny new set, a curvier set of graphics, a new fanfare theme and a new mix of features, interviews and commentary — a FreeSpeech segment for guest contributors — with less hard news (F-I-C 74 min v ABC 44, NBC 51; 19 min of hard news v ABC 46, NBC 44).”

(Look at those numbers carefully: ABC and NBC had twice as much “hard news” as CBS.)

“Couric’s presence also meant cutbacks for correspondents: in four days, CBS assigned just 18 stories to only 14 reporters (for ABC 23 and 15; for NBC 27 and 19).”
