‘Today’ Producer Explains How The Ashley Smith Interview Happened

By Brian 

Following up on Monday’s ABC booker in handcuffs, NewsBlues talks to Jim Lichenstein, the ‘Today’ producer who engineered the Ashley Smith “get:” “Luckily, I was able to turn around a bad situation for us. I was in the lawyer’s car when we got Ashley from ABC and took her to our closest camera (15 miles away). The media throng was in chase because they were staking out ABC.

My audio guy tossed me the IFB and mic through Ashley’s window as we circled the block several times until it was time for our hit. I didn’t want her waiting in the crowd of cameras and reporters. She did us (interview) then CBS and Fox. Then her lawyers got her out of there. (ABC was shut out.)

The girl was a real trooper. I told her that the GMA people would probably try to disrupt our shot, so she was prepared. She was a little distracted when he (Nagel) was yelling, but she didn’t flinch.” Kudos to NewsBlues for the story…
