The Ticker (Fox Edition): Jackson, Cavuto, Cameron

By Merrill Knox 

  • Fox News has hired Jesse Jackson‘s daughter, Chicago radio host Santita Jackson, as a contributor, the Washington Examiner reports. She will debut on Friday during the 7 amET hour of “Fox & Friends.”
  • Neil Cavuto, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, says one of the side effects of the disease is blurry eyesight. “I deliberately opt for shows without scripts, shows that I can wing or do on the fly,” he tells NIH MedlinePlus. “It drives my producers crazy.”
  • Life on the campaign trail has changed in many ways since Carl Cameron started his career in television. Political journalists used to be “cigar smoking, bourbon-drinking journalists who played poker with the candidates on the campaign bus,” he tells Men’s Health. “Nowadays it’s bottled water and yogurt.”
