The Schieffer, Couric, Greenfield Trio

By Brian 

Following up on Jeff Greenfield‘s move to CBS, an e-mailer writes:

Katie Couric is getting just what she deserves. Sandwiched between Greenfield and Bob Schieffer, they will literally TRY to carry her through the election year (IF she lasts that long) and poor Bob will probably be given his gold watch late in 08 and Jeff given Face the Nation.

It also makes the CBS team even more awkward looking with group of people who have no history or experience together and no leader to bring then together, ie. the three above plus Borger, Axelrod and [a few others] from ABC and CNN that they have picked up. It would be comical were it not so sad to think that this is the network of Cronkite, Sevareid, Wallace, Bradley and so many more and such great political teams, many of whom had worked together for decades…”
