Tech Glitch Tanks ‘Tucker’

By Brian 

An e-mailer asks: “What’s going on at Tucker? At 4:02pm Tucker Carlson was going to interview the head of the Democratic party in Iowa. But just as they pulled up the picture it went black.”

Tucker’s reaction was funny: “We’ve lost the shot again from Iowa. Things will work much better by the time the caucuses roll around a year from now, I promise.”

He continued: “I also promise this is really one of the great shows we’ve done, certainly this week anyway. So you’re going to have to take that on faith, because technical difficulties prevent us from showing you any more right now. But stay tuned after this commercial break. It is going to be a great program.”

According to the e-mailer, “they then ran four minutes of commercials with a quick tease from Tucker in the middle…”
