Talent: “The Scales Tip Toward GMA”

By Brian 

Tom Shales analyzes the morning show wars: “In talent terms, the scales tip toward GMA: civilized and personable Perkins over loud and bouncy Al Roker; Roberts more versatile and personable than Curry; Gibson far more authoritative and genuine than Lauer, who isn’t even in the same league; and then the struggle at the top, Couric vs. Sawyer, the deciding factor. Couric had been ahead by a mile, but the bad publicity and a sense of her being excessively exploited on her own program worked against her.”

> Also: “So GMA is about to name Robin Roberts a ‘co-host’ along with Charlie and Diane,” an e-mailer says: “Consider that an acknowledgment that the CBS quartet of anchors is a great idea that is beginning to work!”
