Taking The Child Abductions Personally

By Brian 

MSNBC segment producer Tricia McKinney blogs about “when missing children stories hit home” on the Peacock Blog, MSNBC Live’s new weblog. “Two more children are missing — this time in Idaho. Ah, yes, it’s just another weekend at MSNBC. But I’m starting to take these child abduction stories a little more personally than I probably should.

I hate to say it, but I think McKinney has been producing too many missing children segments: “Some morbid part of me wonders which of my baby’s pictures I would put on a poster if she ever disappeared. Do I have enough recent video? Which thirty seconds of my joyful little girl’s life could I bear to see played over and over in segments and teases? Would I want hear my own naked pain distilled into fifteen-second sound bites?”
