“Someone At CNN Obviously Wants” Larry King “To Leave”

By Brian 

The June issue of Washingtonian says CNN “is starting to search for gentle ways to tell talk-show host Larry King that his long run may be ending.” In a statement, a spokesperson said King “is going nowhere,” adding: “There is no truth to this idle speculation.”

Several e-mailers beg to disagree. “I’ve seen Larry’s numbers and yes I agree he is ‘going nowhere,'” one person said. “Someone at CNN obviously wants King to leave,” a second person wrote. “This is the same stuff that Nikki Finke blogged about and Joe Flint wrote about in The Wall Street Journal. At that time with the two pieces coming so close together, someone suggested out loud that CNN was greasing the wheels. So either what’s new with this piece or is there a movement in CNN to have King abdicate?”
