“Slack-Jawed” White House Correspondents

By Brian 

Here are some Web site headlines this evening:

> ABCNews.com: “V.P. Hunting Accident: Why So Secret?”

> CBSNews.com: “Reporting Lag in Cheney Shooting”

> FOXNews.com: “Press Attacks”

“While few believe the hunting incident is another scandal-in-the-making, reporters cast it in the familiar theme of: What did the White House know and when did it know it?,” FOXNews.com says.

CBS News correspondent Bill Plante writes on CBSNews.com:

“White House reporters were slack-jawed at the notion that it’s appropriate to have a private citizen inform the press of the vice president’s involvement in an accident rather than have the White House put out the story.” Plante concludes this way: “Bottom line: If the vice president had wanted this story out, it would have been public much sooner.”
