Senate Holds Christmas Eve Health Care Reform Vote

By kevin 

At 7amET, the U.S. Senate held its final vote on the health care reform bill, and it passed 60-39.

Bret Baier came in during “Fox & Friends” to anchor Fox News coverage of the vote from Washington beginning around 6:55amET.

Just before 6:30amET, MSNBC broke away from a special edition of “Morning Joe” while David Shuster anchored breaking news coverage.


CNN stuck with “American Morning,” which was anchored by Rob Marciano and Carol Costello who were in for John Roberts and Kiran Chetry this morning. Jessica Yellin was reporting from the Capitol.

On the broadcast networks, the morning shows handled the vote within their top stories. Many of the usual anchors were out, including on “Good Morning America” where Bill Weir was in for George Stephanopoulos.

The last time the Senate held a roll call on Christmas eve was 1895.

Previously: Cable Nets Cover Late Night Health Care Vote
