RTNDF 1st Amendment Awards: Woodruff Speaks About Value Of Foreign Reporting

By Brian 

As he accepted the 2007 Leonard Zeidenberg First Amendment Award at the RTNDF First Amendment Awards tonight, Bob Woodruff spoke about the value of foreign reporting.

“I also believe it’s more important than ever to cover the news around this world, to cover the world,” Woodruff said. “I think we need more and more to report about the planet — the way we are studying not only what’s happening and the temperatures going up or coming down, but just about all the different countries in this world and what’s happening.”

He said he sometimes sees a decline in the amount of foreign reporting, at a time when the United States needs it more than it used to.

I only heard Woodruff misspeak once, when he tried to talk about how the world is becoming increasingly interconnected…
